we are working consultancy work with Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Korea under Power Grid Co. of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) for Implementation of the Project under Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in Eastern Region Project in accordance with World Bank Fund for the Construction and Commissioning of 1(one) Nos 400 KV Transmission Line of 12.63KM; 5 (Five) Nos of 230 KV Transmission Lines of 17.91 KM; 9 (Nine) Nos of 132 KV Transmission Lines of 81.30 KM including New 400/230/132 KV Substation at Korerhat; New 400/230/132 KV Substation at Mirsharai; 2 (Two) Nos of New 230/132 KV Substations; 9 (Nine) Nos of New 132/33 KV Substations & 3 (Three) Nos of Renovation/ Bay Extension of 132/33 KV Substations.
Implementation of the Project under Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in Eastern Region Project